
The following is organized first by subject abd then by author and represents publications, reports, and book reviews that focus primarily on the people, ships, and histories relating to the early period of new world exploration by Europeans. The Ships of Discovery team undertook fieldwork, archival research, excavations, and artifact conservation as well as targeted research into specific categories of artifacts, such as cannon.


1554 FLOTA
Arnold III, J. Barto, David R. Watson, and Donald H. Keith . 1995. The Padre Island Crossbows

Lakey, Denise C. 1995. Book Review: Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1499-1590) by Luis Nicolau d’Olwer

Keith, Donald H. 1986. …and Anchors.
Lakey, Denise C., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1983. The Third Expedition to Cayo Nuevo.
Simmons III, Joe J. 1984. Cayo Nuevo, Mexico.

Keith, Donald H. 1990. Shipwrecks in Space.

Keith, Donald H. 1990. The Importance of Myth, Magic, and Persistence in Underwater Archaeology.
Keith, Donald H. 1997. Problems and Progress in the Turks & Caicos Islands.
Keith, Donald H. 1990. Shipwrecks in Space.
Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. III Simmons, and Jerry Goodale. 1997. The Tide of History.
Smith, KC. 1986. Nautical Archaeology Theses: A Wealth of Data from Students.

Lakey, Denise C. 1997. Archival Research
Lakey, Denise C. 1994. Document Collections for Iberian Maritime History Research.
Lakey, Denise C. 1985. Archives Harbor Clues to Vessel Identities, Fates
Lakey, Denise C. 1985. Historical and Archival Research
Lakey, Denise C. 1986. Shipwreck Research in the Archivo General de Indias.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World.

Arnold III, J. Barto, David R. Watson, and Donald H. Keith . 1995. The Padre Island Crossbows.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series.
Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).
Keith, Donald H. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.”

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies.

Lakey, Denise C. 1986. Cannons: Interpreting the Markings.
Lakey, Denise C. 1993. Inventories of the Niña and Santa Cruz.
Lakey, Denise C., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1983. The Third Expedition to Cayo Nuevo.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1986. 15th- and 16th-Century Artillery Colletions in Western Europe: Preliminary Results from a Recent Examination.
– 1986. 15th- and 16th-Century Artillery Colletions in Western Europe: Preliminary Results from a Recent Examination.
1986. 15th- and 16th-Century Artillery Colletions in Western Europe: Preliminary Results from a Recent Examination.
1986. Artillery in Focus: 15th- and 16th-Century Ordnance the Object of In-Depth Study.
1984. Cayo Nuevo, Mexico.
– 1992. Early Modern Wrought-Iron Artillery: Macroanalyses of Instruments of Enforcement.
– 1989. Lidded-Breach Wrought-Iron Swivel Gun at Southsea Castle, Portsmouth, England.
– 1988. Molases Reef Wreck Ordnance: New Ideas on the Manufacture of Wrought-Iron Artillery from the Great Age of Exploration and Discovery.
– 1992. Replicating Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Ordnance
– 1991. Replication of Early 16th-Century Shot-Mould Tongs.
– 1988. Wrought-Iron Ordnance: Revealing Discoveries from the New World.
– 1988. Wrought-Iron Ordnance: Revealing Discoveries from the New World.

Smith, Roger C., Donald H. Keith, and Denise C. Lakey. 1985. The Highborn Cay Wreck: Further Exploration of a 16th-Century Bahaman Shipwreck.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .
– 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies.

Lamb, William Reginald. 1986. Oft-Spurned Ballast is Seen as Another Data Source.
– 1988. “The Provenance of the Stone Ballast from the Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Lamb, William Reginald, Donald H. Keith, and Susan A. Judy . 1990. Analysis of the Ballast of the Molasses Reef Wreck.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1989. The Highborn Cay Wreck: The 1986 Field Season.

Smith, Roger C. 1984. Caravels Test Site Yields Ballast, Artifacts and Clues.

Smith, Roger C., Donald H. Keith, and Denise C. Lakey. 1985. The Highborn Cay Wreck: Further Exploration of a 16th-Century Bahaman Shipwreck.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

– 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.”

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World.

Lakey, Denise C., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1983. The Third Expedition to Cayo Nuevo.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1984. Cayo Nuevo, Mexico.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .
– 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies.

Lakey, Denise C. 1990. Spain in the Indies: The Other Voyages and the Process of Discovery.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1986. New World Contact and Nautical Hygiene.

Hajovsky, Ric G. 1988. Can We Find Gallega?

Keith, Donald H., and Toni L. Carrell. 1991. The Hunt for Gallega.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Lakey, Denise C. La búsqueda de la caravela de Colón, la Gallega, y la exploración arqueológica del Río de Belén.

–. 1990. Spain in the Indies: The Other Voyages and the Process of Discovery.

Smith, Roger C. 1985. The Search for the Caravels of Columbus.

. 1988. The Voyages of Columbus: The Search for his Ships.

Woodward, Robyn P. 1982. St. Anne’s Bay Survey.

Lakey, Denise C. 1995. Book Review: Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1499-1590) by Luis Nicolau d’Olwer.

Carlin, Worth, and Donald H. Keith. 1996. An improved tannin-based corrosion inhibitor-coating system for ferrous artefacts.

–. 1997. On the treatment of pewter plates from the wreck of La Belle, 1686.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Conservation at the Corpus Christi Museum .

–. 1995. The Hidden Room.

–. 1986. Molasses Reef Wreck Reconstruction Continues Amid Capers and Conservation.

Keith, Donald H., Worth Carlin, and John de Bry. 1997. Conservation of a bronze cannon from La Belle, 1686.

Myers, Mark D. 1986. Conservation from Scratch: Don’t Panic.

–. 1984. Molasses Reef Wreck Conservation Facility Takes Lead from Florida Lab.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1988. Molasses Reef Laboratory Update.

Thompson, Bruce F. 1988. Lost Clues Recovered by Casting Concretions.

–. 1988. The Role of Casting in Artifact Identification.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

–. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Myers, Mark D. 1987. “The Evolution of Hull Design in Sixteenth-Century English Ships-of-War.” .

Oertling, Thomas J. 1989. The Few Remaining Clues…

Lakey, Denise C. 1994. Document Collections for Iberian Maritime History Research.

–. 1993. Inventories of the Niña and Santa Cruz.

–. 1986. Necessary Use of Documents Has Inherent Uncertainties.

–. 1988. Records Usually Conceal the Happenstance of Life.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

–. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

–. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Lakey, Denise C. 1993. Inventories of the Niña and Santa Cruz.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1989. A Suction Pump from an Early Sixteenth-Century Shipwreck.


Keith, Donald H. 1988. The Search for the Gallega.

–. 1986. Ships of Discovery Research.

–. 1987. Ships of Discovery Research.

–. 1988. Shipwrecks of the Explorers.

Keith, Donald H., and Toni L. Carrell. 1991. The Hunt for Gallega.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Jerry Goodale. 1992. Ships of Discovery and the Tide of History.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. III Simmons, and Jerry Goodale. 1997. The Tide of History.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Lakey, Denise C. 1992. Replicating a Voyage of Discovery.

–. 1990. Spain in the Indies: The Other Voyages and the Process of Discovery.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1989. The Historical Geography of the Ships of Exploration and Discovery: Second- and Third-Order Voyages of Exploration From Outposts in the Caribbean.

Smith, KC. 1986. INA Explores the Age of Discovery: In Search of Ships that Altered the Globe.

Smith, Roger C. 1983. The Caravel: Nautical Archaeology Looks at Ships of Exploration.

. 1984. Fathoming Columbus’s Caravels.

–. 1986. INA and the Quincentennial.

. 1985. The Search for the Caravels of Columbus.

–. 1988. The Voyages of Columbus: The Search for his Ships.

Smith, Roger C., and Donald H. Keith. 1986. Ships of Discovery.

Woodward, Robyn P. 1982. St. Anne’s Bay Survey.


Smith, Roger C. 1986. Remote Sensing Technology is Integral to Archaeology.


Keith, Donald H. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1989. The Historical Geography of the Ships of Exploration and Discovery: Second- and Third-Order Voyages of Exploration From Outposts in the Caribbean.


Lamb, William Reginald, Donald H. Keith, and Susan A. Judy . 1990. Analysis of the Ballast of the Molasses Reef Wreck.


Oertling, Thomas J. 1988. The Molasses Reef and Highborn Cay Wrecks: Two Early Sixteenth-Century Hulls.


Lakey, Denise C. 1990. Spain in the Indies: The Other Voyages and the Process of Discovery.


Lakey, Denise C. 1995. Book Review: Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1499-1590) by Luis Nicolau d’Olwer.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

–. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Keith, Donald H., James A. Duff, Stephen R. James Jr., Thomas J. Oertling, and Joe J. Simmons III. 1984. The Molasses Reef Wreck, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.: A Preliminary Report.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies.

Lakey, Denise C. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1988. Elegant Remains Yield Details of Discovery Ship Construction.

–. 1989. The Few Remaining Clues…

–. 1989. The Highborn Cay Wreck: The 1986 Field Season.

–. 1988. The Molasses Reef and Highborn Cay Wrecks: Two Early Sixteenth-Century Hulls.

–. 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Hull Analysis: Final Report.

Smith, Roger C., Donald H. Keith, and Denise C. Lakey. 1985. The Highborn Cay Wreck: Further Exploration of a 16th-Century Bahaman Shipwreck.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

Lakey, Denise C. 1990. Spain in the Indies: The Other Voyages and the Process of Discovery.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

–. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1990. Ancestry of the Ship’s Head: Solving Problems of Human Waste disposal at Sea, A.D. 1400-1900.

–. 1985. “The Development of External Sanitary Facilities Aboard Ships of the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries.” .

–. 1981. Nautical Hygiene.

–. 1986. New World Contact and Nautical Hygiene.

Simmons, Joe J. III. 1997.

Smith, Roger C. 1985. Vanguard of Empire: The Mariners of Exploration and Discovery.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Keith, Donald H. 1985. Lost Ship Found.

–. 1982. Molasses Reef.

–. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

–. 1983. The Molasses Reef Wreck: A Study in the Essential Elements of Nautical Archaeology in the Caribbean.

–. 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Project.

–. 1986. Molasses Reef Wreck Reconstruction Continues Amid Capers and Conservation.

–. 1985. The Window in Time.

Lamb, William Reginald. 1986. Oft-Spurned Ballast is Seen as Another Data Source.

–. 1988. “The Provenance of the Stone Ballast from the Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Myers, Mark D. 1984. Molasses Reef Wreck Conservation Facility Takes Lead from Florida Lab.

Myers, Mark D., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1986. Enlivening History from Artifacts, Molasses Reef Wreck Materials Slowly Provide Clues to Early Ships and a Comparative Collection for future Finds.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1988. The Molasses Reef and Highborn Cay Wrecks: Two Early Sixteenth-Century Hulls.

–. 1988. Molasses Reef Laboratory Update.

–. 1986. Scant Hull Fragments Offer Small but Meaningful Clues.

–. 1989. A Suction Pump from an Early Sixteenth-Century Shipwreck.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1991. Replication of Early 16th-Century Shot-Mould Tongs.

Thompson, Bruce F. 1988. Lost Clues Recovered by Casting Concretions.

–. 1988. The Role of Casting in Artifact Identification.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Arnold III, J. Barto, David R. Watson, and Donald H. Keith . 1995. The Padre Island Crossbows.


Hajovsky, Ric G. 1988. Can We Find Gallega?

Keith, Donald H. 1988. The Search for the Gallega.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Lakey, Denise C. La búsqueda de la caravela de Colón, la Gallega, y la exploración arqueológica del Río de Belén.

–. 1991. The Search for Columbus’s Gallega.

Myers, Mark D. 1988. An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Rio Belén, Panama.


Smith, Roger C. 1985. Vanguard of Empire: The Mariners of Exploration and Discovery.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World.


Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.


Carrell, Toni L. 1992. Replication and Experimental Archaeology.

Carrell, Toni L., and Donald H. Keith. 1992. Replicating a Ship of Discovery: Santa Clara, a 16th-century Iberian caravel.

Keith, Donald H. 1992. Replicating a Caravel.

Lakey, Denise C. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.

–. 1992. Replicating a Voyage of Discovery.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

–. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

–. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Lakey, Denise C. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.

–. 1993. Inventories of the Niña and Santa Cruz.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1989. The Few Remaining Clues…


Hajovsky, Ric G. 1988. Can We Find Gallega?

–. 1989. Phase II of the Search for Gallega.

Keith, Donald H. 1988. The Search for the Gallega.

Keith, Donald H., and Toni L. Carrell. 1991. The Hunt for Gallega.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Lakey, Denise C. La búsqueda de la caravela de Colón, la Gallega, y la exploración arqueológica del Río de Belén.

–. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.

–. 1991. The Search for Columbus’s Gallega.

Myers, Mark D. 1988. An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Rio Belén, Panama.


Lakey, Denise C. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.


Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.


Carrell, Toni L., and Donald H. Keith. 1992. Replicating a Ship of Discovery: Santa Clara, a 16th-century Iberian caravel.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

–. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

–. in press. Review of Wooden Ship Building and the Interpretation of Shipwrecks.

Keith, Donald H., James A. Duff, Stephen R. James Jr., Thomas J. Oertling, and Joe J. Simmons III. 1984. The Molasses Reef Wreck, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.: A Preliminary Report.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Myers, Mark D. 1987. “The Evolution of Hull Design in Sixteenth-Century English Ships-of-War.” .

–. 1985. Factors involved in Typing 16th Century Ships.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1988. Elegant Remains Yield Details of Discovery Ship Construction.

–. 1989. The Few Remaining Clues…

–. 1989. The Highborn Cay Wreck: The 1986 Field Season.

–. 1988. The Molasses Reef and Highborn Cay Wrecks: Two Early Sixteenth-Century Hulls.

–. 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Hull Analysis: Final Report.

Simmons, Joe J. III. 1997.

Smith, Roger C., Donald H. Keith, and Denise C. Lakey. 1985. The Highborn Cay Wreck: Further Exploration of a 16th-Century Bahaman Shipwreck.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

Lakey, Denise C. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.

–. 1993. Inventories of the Niña and Santa Cruz.

–. 1991. The Search for Columbus’s Gallega.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

–. 1985. Factors involved in Typing 16th Century Ships.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1986. Scant Hull Fragments Offer Small but Meaningful Clues.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1990. Ancestry of the Ship’s Head: Solving Problems of Human Waste disposal at Sea, A.D. 1400-1900.

–. 1985. “The Development of External Sanitary Facilities Aboard Ships of the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries.” .

— 1988. Review of Postmedieval Boat and Ship Archaeology, edited by C.O. Cederlund.

Smith, Roger C. 1983. The Caravel: Nautical Archaeology Looks at Ships of Exploration.

— 1984. Fathoming Columbus’s Caravels.

— 1986. INA and the Quincentennial.

Smith, Roger C., and Donald H. Keith. 1986. Ships of Discovery.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

Oertling, Thomas J. 1989. The Highborn Cay Wreck: The 1986 Field Season.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Hajovsky, Ric G. 1988. Can We Find Gallega?

— 1989. Phase II of the Search for Gallega.

— 1987. Sitios Arqueológicos Descubiertos por Buceadores.

— 1987. Trabajos de Arqueología Subacuática en el Caribé.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

— 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

— 1983. The INA/Morning Watch Research Expedition.

— 1986. Just Say No.

— 1985. Lost Ship Found.

— 1982. Molasses Reef.

— 1983. The Molasses Reef Wreck: A Study in the Essential Elements of Nautical Archaeology in the Caribbean.

— 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Project.

— 1986. Molasses Reef Wreck Reconstruction Continues Amid Capers and Conservation.

— 1997. Quanzhou Ship.

— 1997. San Diego.

— 1988. The Search for the Gallega.

— 1997. Shinan Gun.

— 1986. Ships of Discovery Research.

— 1987. Ships of Discovery Research.

— 1988. Three Goals Set, Reached During Three Weeks at HCay.

— 1988. Three Goals Set, Reached During Three Weeks at HCay.

— 1983. The Treasure Is History.

— 1985. The Window in Time.

Keith, Donald H., and Toni L. Carrell. 1991. The Hunt for Gallega.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies.

Lakey, Denise C. 1986. Arqueología Submarina: An Underwater Archaeological Survey in the Bay of Cádiz, Spain.

— La búsqueda de la caravela de Colón, la Gallega, y la exploración arqueológica del Río de Belén.

— 1986. The Cádiz Project: Joint Effort Leads to Finds in Archives and the Bay.

— 1986. Cannons: Interpreting the Markings.

— 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.

— 1991. The Search for Columbus’s Gallega.

— 1987. “Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Cádiz: A Catalog of Historically Documented Wrecks from the Fifteenth Through the Nineteenth Centuries.” .

Lamb, William Reginald. 1986. Oft-Spurned Ballast is Seen as Another Data Source.

— 1988. “The Provenance of the Stone Ballast from the Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Myers, Mark D. 1988. An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Rio Belén, Panama.

— 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

— 1988. Planning Insures Field Success, But What About the Leftovers?

Oertling, Thomas J. 1988. Elegant Remains Yield Details of Discovery Ship Construction.

— 1989. The Few Remaining Clues…

— 1989. The Highborn Cay Wreck: The 1986 Field Season.

— 1986. Scant Hull Fragments Offer Small but Meaningful Clues.

— 1989. A Suction Pump from an Early Sixteenth-Century Shipwreck.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1988. Review of Postmedieval Boat and Ship Archaeology, edited by C.O. Cederlund.

— 1988. Wrought-Iron Ordnance: Revealing Discoveries from the New World.

Smith, KC. 1987. ’86 in Review, Research by Staff and Students Spans 31 Centuries of Maritime Enterprise.

— 1988. Artifacts Are Missing Elements of the Wreck.

— 1988. Bahamian Expedition Yelds New Evidence of Early Ship.

— 1988. Bahamian Expedition Yelds New Evidence of Early Ship.

— 1986. In Search of Shipwrecks.

— 1986. INA Explores the Age of Discovery: In Search of Ships that Altered the Globe.

— 1984. It Was a Very Good Year.

Smith, Roger C. 1984. Caravels Test Site Yields Ballast, Artifacts and Clues.

— 1983. The Columbus Caravels Project.

— 1984. Early 16th-Century Site Located.

— 1986. INA and the Quincentennial.

— 1985. The Search for the Caravels of Columbus.

— 1988. The Voyages of Columbus: The Search for his Ships.

Smith, Roger C., and Donald H. Keith. 1986. Ships of Discovery.

Smith, Roger C., Donald H. Keith, and Denise C. Lakey. 1985. The Highborn Cay Wreck: Further Exploration of a 16th-Century Bahaman Shipwreck.

Woodward, Robyn P. 1982. St. Anne’s Bay Survey.


Keith, Donald H. 1997. La Gallega.

— 1997. Highborn Cay Wreck.

— 1997. Molasses Reef Wreck.

— 1997. Problems and Progress in the Turks & Caicos Islands.

— 1988. Shipwrecks of the Explorers.

— 1993-1994. Tiger By the Tail.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Arnold III, J. Barto, David R. Watson, and Donald H. Keith . 1995. The Padre Island Crossbows.

Hajovsky, Ric G. 1988. Can We Find Gallega?

ЧЧЧ. 1989. Phase II of the Search for Gallega.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. Sitios Arqueológicos Descubiertos por Buceadores.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. Trabajos de Arqueología Subacuática en el Caribé.

Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

ЧЧЧ. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The INA/Morning Watch Research Expedition.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Just Say No.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Lost Ship Found.

ЧЧЧ. 1982. Molasses Reef.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Molasses Reef Wreck: A Study in the Essential Elements of Nautical Archaeology in the Caribbean.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Project.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Molasses Reef Wreck Reconstruction Continues Amid Capers and Conservation.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Researcher Searches for Signs of Shipwreck Survivors’ Camp.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. The Search for the Gallega.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Ships of Discovery Research.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. Ships of Discovery Research.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Three Goals Set, Reached During Three Weeks at HCay.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Three Goals Set, Reached During Three Weeks at HCay.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Treasure Is History.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. The Window in Time.

Keith, Donald H., and Toni L. Carrell. 1991. The Hunt for Gallega.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies.

Lakey, Denise C. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery.

ЧЧЧ. 1991. The Search for Columbus’s Gallega.

Lakey, Denise C., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1983. The Third Expedition to Cayo Nuevo.

Lamb, William Reginald. 1986. Oft-Spurned Ballast is Seen as Another Data Source.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. “The Provenance of the Stone Ballast from the Molasses Reef Wreck.” .

Lamb, William Reginald, Donald H. Keith, and Susan A. Judy . 1990. Analysis of the Ballast of the Molasses Reef Wreck.

Myers, Mark D. 1988. An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Rio Belén, Panama.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Planning Insures Field Success, But What About the Leftovers?

Myers, Mark D., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1986. Enlivening History from Artifacts, Molasses Reef Wreck Materials Slowly Provide Clues to Early Ships and a Comparative Collection for future Finds.

Oertling, Thomas J. 1988. Elegant Remains Yield Details of Discovery Ship Construction.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Few Remaining Clues…

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Highborn Cay Wreck: The 1986 Field Season.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. The Molasses Reef and Highborn Cay Wrecks: Two Early Sixteenth-Century Hulls.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Hull Analysis: Final Report.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1988. Best-Laid Plans Often Need Ingenious Field Modification.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Cayo Nuevo, Mexico.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Review of Postmedieval Boat and Ship Archaeology, edited by C.O. Cederlund.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Wrought-Iron Ordnance: Revealing Discoveries from the New World.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Wrought-Iron Ordnance: Revealing Discoveries from the New World.

Smith, KC. 1987. ’86 in Review, Research by Staff and Students Spans 31 Centuries of Maritime Enterprise.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Bahamian Expedition Yelds New Evidence of Early Ship.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Bahamian Expedition Yelds New Evidence of Early Ship.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. In Search of Shipwrecks.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. INA Explores the Age of Discovery: In Search of Ships that Altered the Globe.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. It Was a Very Good Year.

Smith, Roger C. 1984. Caravels Test Site Yields Ballast, Artifacts and Clues.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Columbus Caravels Project.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Early 16th-Century Site Located.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. INA and the Quincentennial.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. The Search for the Caravels of Columbus.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. The Voyages of Columbus: The Search for his Ships.

Smith, Roger C., and Donald H. Keith. 1986. Ships of Discovery.

Smith, Roger C., Donald H. Keith, and Denise C. Lakey. 1985. The Highborn Cay Wreck: Further Exploration of a 16th-Century Bahaman Shipwreck.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World.

Woodward, Robyn P. 1982. St. Anne’s Bay Survey.


Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.


Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research.

Myers, Mark D. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI.

Smith, Roger C. 1984. Caravels Test Site Yields Ballast, Artifacts and Clues.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Columbus Caravels Project.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. The Search for the Caravels of Columbus.

Woodward, Robyn P. 1982. St. Anne’s Bay Survey.


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

ЧЧЧ. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” .


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .


Keith, Donald H. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series .

ЧЧЧ. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993).

Simmons III, Joe J. 1992. Early Modern Wrought-Iron Artillery: Macroanalyses of Instruments of Enforcement.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Molases Reef Wreck Ordnance: New Ideas on the Manufacture of Wrought-Iron Artillery from the Great Age of Exploration and Discovery.

ЧЧЧ. 1992. Replicating Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Ordnance.


Keith, Donald H. 1988. Archaeologist by Appointment to a Treasure-Hunter. Book review of Treasure of the Atocha: Sixteen Dramatic Years in Search of the Historic Wreck by R. Duncan Mathewson III (New York: Dutton; London Sidgwick and Jackson, 1986).

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Just Say No.


Keith, Donald H. 1990. The Importance of Myth, Magic, and Persistence in Underwater Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Lost Ship Found.

ЧЧЧ. 1982. Molasses Reef.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Molasses Reef Wreck: A Study in the Essential Elements of Nautical Archaeology in the Caribbean.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. Problems and Progress in the Turks & Caicos Islands.

ЧЧЧ. 1993-1994. Tiger By the Tail.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. The Window in Time.


Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Jerry Goodale. 1992. Ships of Discovery and the Tide of History.


Keith, Donald H. 1988. Shipwrecks of the Explorers.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén.

Lakey, Denise C. La búsqueda de la caravela de Colón, la Gallega, y la exploración arqueológica del Río de Belén.

ЧЧЧ. 1993. Inventories of the Niña and Santa Cruz.

ЧЧЧ. 1992. Replicating a Voyage of Discovery.

ЧЧЧ. 1991. The Search for Columbus’s Gallega.

ЧЧЧ. 1990. Spain in the Indies: The Other Voyages and the Process of Discovery.

Simmons III, Joe J. 1989. The Historical Geography of the Ships of Exploration and Discovery: Second- and Third-Order Voyages of Exploration From Outposts in the Caribbean.



Arnold III, J. Barto, David R. Watson, and Donald H. Keith . 1995. The Padre Island Crossbows. Historical Archaeology 29, no. 2: 4-19.


Carlin, Worth, and Donald H. Keith. 1996. An improved tannin-based corrosion inhibitor-coating system for ferrous artefacts. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 25, no. 1: 38-45.

— 1997. On the treatment of pewter plates from the wreck of La Belle, 1686. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 26, no. 1: 65-74.

Carrell, Toni L., ed. 1990. Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference . Editor . Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.

Carrell, Toni L. 1992. Replication and Experimental Archaeology. Historical Archaeology 26, no. 4: 4-13.

Carrell, Toni L., and Donald H. Keith. 1992. Replicating a Ship of Discovery: Santa Clara, a 16th-century Iberian caravel. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 21, no. 4: 281-94.


Hajovsky, Ric G. 1987. Sitios Arqueológicos Descubiertos por Buceadores. Memorias de la Quinta Semana de la Ciencia y las Actividades Subacuáticas . Mexico City: Secretaria de Pesca.

— 1987. Trabajos de Arqueología Subacuática en el Caribé. Ciclo de Conferencias, Arqueología Subacuática: Realidad y Posibilidades. Mexico City.

— 1988. Can We Find Gallega? INA Newsletter 15, no. 1: 8-9, 16.

— 1989. Phase II of the Search for Gallega. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor J. Barto Arnold III. 104-7. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.


Keith, Donald H. 1982. Molasses Reef. INA Newsletter 9, no. 2/3: 7.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The INA/Morning Watch Research Expedition. INA Newsletter 10, no. 4: 6-7.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Molasses Reef Wreck: A Study in the Essential Elements of Nautical Archaeology in the Caribbean. Underwater Archaeology: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editor Calvin R. Cummings. San Marino, Ca.: Fathom Eight.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Treasure Is History. The University and the Sea: 14-17.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Researcher Searches for Signs of Shipwreck Survivors’ Camp. INA Newsletter 11, no. 4: 8.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Lost Ship Found. Turks and Caicos Current 2, no. 6: 12-19.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. The Window in Time. Turks and Caicos Current 2, no. 5: 49-55.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. …and Anchors. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. John W. Foster, and Sheli O. Smith. Salinas, CA: Coyote Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Just Say No. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. John W. Foster, and Sheli O. Smith. Salinas, CA: Coyote Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Molasses Reef Wreck Reconstruction Continues Amid Capers and Conservation. INA Newsletter 12, no. 4: 6-7.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Ships of Discovery Research. INA Newsletter 13, no. 1: 6-7.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. “The Molasses Reef Wreck.” Texas A&M.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. Ships of Discovery Research. Place 7, no. 4: 13-14.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Archaeologist by Appointment to a Treasure-Hunter. Book review of Treasure of the Atocha: Sixteen Dramatic Years in Search of the Historic Wreck by R. Duncan Mathewson III (New York: Dutton; London Sidgwick and Jackson, 1986). Antiquity 62, no. 235: 277-79.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. The Search for the Gallega. INA Newsletter 15, no. 4: 3-5.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Shipwrecks of the Explorers. In Ships and Shipwrecks of the Americas A History Based on Underwater Archaeology, Editor George F. Bass, 45-68. London: Thames and Hudson.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Three Goals Set, Reached During Three Weeks at HCay. INA Newsletter 14, no. 3: 6-7.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Three Goals Set, Reached During Three Weeks at HCay. Aquaticus, Journal of the Shedd Aquarium 20, no. 2: 17-20.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Project. INA Newsletter 16, no. 3: 4-9.

ЧЧЧ. 1990. The Importance of Myth, Magic, and Persistence in Underwater Archaeology. in Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference . Editor Toni L Carrell. 18-21. Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1990. Shipwrecks in Space. Archaeology 43, no. 6: 92.

ЧЧЧ. 1992. Replicating a Caravel. Historical Archaeology 26, no. 21-26.

ЧЧЧ. 1993-1994. Tiger By the Tail. Times of the Islands, no. Winter: 24-29.

ЧЧЧ. 1994. Book Review: Hollandia Compendium: A Contribution to the History, Archaeology, Classification and Lexicography of a 150-ft. Dutch East Indiaman by Jerzy Gawronski, Bas Kist, and Odilia Stokvis-van Boetzelaer (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 529 pages) and Die Kogge von Bremen. Band 1: Bauteile und Bauablauf (The Cog of Bremen. Volume 1: Structural Members and Construction Process) by Werner Lahn (Hamburg: Ernst Kabel, 1993). Volume 30 of Schriften des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums (Publications of German Maritime Museums) series . American Neptune 54, no. 2: 152-54.

ЧЧЧ. 1994. Book review: Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus by Roger C. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993). Technology and Culture 35, no. 4: 899-901.

ЧЧЧ. 1994. Conservation at the Corpus Christi Museum . Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History Quarterly, no. Spring: 1.

ЧЧЧ. 1995. The Hidden Room. Corpus Christi Museum Quarterly, no. Spring: 2-4.

ЧЧЧ. 1995. Review of Walking the Plank. Antiquity 69, no. 263: 402-3.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. La Gallega. in Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology . editor James P. Delgado, 229-30. London: British Museum Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. Highborn Cay Wreck. in Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology . editor James P. Delgado, 192-93. London: British Museum Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. Molasses Reef Wreck. in Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology . editor James P. Delgado, 279-80. London: British Museum Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. Problems and Progress in the Turks & Caicos Islands. Underwater Archaeology. Editor Denise C. Lakey. 38-43. Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. Quanzhou Ship. in Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology . editor James P. Delgado, 331-32. London: British Museum Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. San Diego. in Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology . editor James P. Delgado, 358. London: British Museum Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. Shinan Gun. in Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology . editor James P. Delgado, 371-72. London: British Museum Press.

ЧЧЧ. in press. Review of Wooden Ship Building and the Interpretation of Shipwrecks. American Neptune.

Keith, Donald H., Worth Carlin, and John de Bry. 1997. Conservation of a bronze cannon from La Belle, 1686. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 26, no. 2: 114-58.

Keith, Donald H., and Toni L. Carrell. 1991. The Hunt for Gallega. Archaeology 44, no. 1: 55-59.

1992. Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editors Donald H. Keith, and Toni L. Carrell. Society for Historical Archaeology.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, and Denise C. Lakey. 1990. The Search for Columbus’s Caravel Gallega and the Site of Santa María de Belén. Journal of Field Archaeology 17: 123-40.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Jerry Goodale. 1992. Ships of Discovery and the Tide of History. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editors Donald H. Keith, and Toni L. Carrell. 10-13. Tucson, AZ: Society for Historical Archaeology.

Keith, Donald H., Toni L. Carrell, Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. III Simmons, and Jerry Goodale. 1997. The Tide of History. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 1, no. 1: 57-79.

Keith, Donald H., James A. Duff, Stephen R. James Jr., Thomas J. Oertling, and Joe J. Simmons III. 1984. The Molasses Reef Wreck, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.: A Preliminary Report. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 13, no. 1: 45-63.

Keith, Donald H., Denise C. Lakey, Joe J. Simmons III, and Mark D. Myers. 1989. Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor J. Barto Arnold III. 87-100. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.

Keith, Donald H., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1985. Analysis of Hull Remains, Ballast, and Artifact Distribution of a 16th-Century Shipwreck, Molasses Reef, British West Indies. Journal of Field Archaeology 12, no. 4: 411-24.


Lakey, Denise C. La búsqueda de la caravela de Colón, la Gallega, y la exploración arqueológica del Río de Belén. In Actos del Primer Congreso Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural. Panamá: Instituto Nacional de Cultura and the Universidad de Panamá.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Archives Harbor Clues to Vessel Identities, Fates. INA Newsletter 12, no. 2: 4.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Historical and Archival Research. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editor Paul F. Johnston. 111-14. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Arqueología Submarina: An Underwater Archaeological Survey in the Bay of Cádiz, Spain. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editors John W. Foster, and Sheli O. Smith. Salinas, California: Coyote Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. The Cádiz Project: Joint Effort Leads to Finds in Archives and the Bay. INA Newsletter 12, no. 4: 11.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Cannons: Interpreting the Markings. In Archaeology in Solution: The 1986 Proceedings of the Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editors John W. Foster, and Sheli O. Smith. 127-29. Salinas, CA: Coyote Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Necessary Use of Documents Has Inherent Uncertainties. INA Newsletter 13, no. 1: 8-9.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Shipwreck Research in the Archivo General de Indias. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editor Calvin R. Cummings. San Marino, CA: Fathom Eight.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. “Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Cádiz: A Catalog of Historically Documented Wrecks from the Fifteenth Through the Nineteenth Centuries.” Texas A&M.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Records Usually Conceal the Happenstance of Life. INA Newsletter 14, no. 3/4: 11.

ЧЧЧ. 1990. Spain in the Indies: The Other Voyages and the Process of Discovery. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor Toni L. Carrell. 66-70. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1991. The Search for Columbus’s Gallega. Ships and Shipwrecks: The Newsletter of Nautical History and Discovery 2, no. 1: 1-3.

ЧЧЧ. 8 October 1991. Finding the Ships of Discovery. Philadelphia Daily News, sec. C: Columbus in the Age of Exploration , p. 10.

ЧЧЧ. 1992. Replicating a Voyage of Discovery. Historical Archaeology 26, no. 4: 27-33.

ЧЧЧ. 1993. Inventories of the Niña and Santa Cruz. Appendix D of Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus Roger C. Smith, 239-58. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1994. Document Collections for Iberian Maritime History Research. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor Robyn P. Woodward. Tucson: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1995. Book Review: Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1499-1590) by Luis Nicolau d’Olwer. Historical Archaeology 29, no. 1: 123-24.

ЧЧЧ. 1997. Archival Research. in Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology . editor James P. Delgado, 34-36. London: British Museum Press.

1997. Underwater Archaeology. editor Denise C. Lakey. Society for Historical Archaeology.

Lakey, Denise C., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1983. The Third Expedition to Cayo Nuevo. INA Newsletter 10, no. 2: 1-2, 4.

Lamb, William Reginald. 1986. Oft-Spurned Ballast is Seen as Another Data Source. INA Newsletter 13, no. 1: 12-13.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. “The Provenance of the Stone Ballast from the Molasses Reef Wreck.” Texas A&M University, Masters thesis, Department of Anthropology.

Lamb, William Reginald, Donald H. Keith, and Susan A. Judy . 1990. Analysis of the Ballast of the Molasses Reef Wreck. National Geographic Research 6, no. 3: 291-305.


Myers, Mark D. 1984. Molasses Reef Wreck Conservation Facility Takes Lead from Florida Lab. INA Newsletter 11, no. 4: 8-9.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Estudio arqueológico de los barcos de exploración y descubrimiento de los siglos XV y XVI. In Memoria de la Cuarta Semana de la Ciencia y las Actividades Subacuáticas. 65-84. Mexico City: Secretaria de Pesca.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Factors involved in Typing 16th Century Ships. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Underwater Archaeology . Paul F. Johnston. 57-59. Special Publication Series , no. 4. Pleasant Hill, Ca.: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Conservation from Scratch: Don’t Panic. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. John W. Foster, and Sheli O. Smith. Salinas, Ca. Coyote Press.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. “The Evolution of Hull Design in Sixteenth-Century English Ships-of-War.” MA thesis, Texas A&M University.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Rio Belén, Panama. Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor James P. Delgado. Pleasant Hill, Ca.: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Planning Insures Field Success, But What About the Leftovers? INA Newsletter 14, no. 3/4: 4-5.

Myers, Mark D., and Joe J. Simmons III. 1986. Enlivening History from Artifacts, Molasses Reef Wreck Materials Slowly Provide Clues to Early Ships and a Comparative Collection for future Finds. INA Newsletter 13, no. 1: 10-11.


Oertling, Thomas J. 1986. Scant Hull Fragments Offer Small but Meaningful Clues. INA Newsletter 13, no. 1: 14-15.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Elegant Remains Yield Details of Discovery Ship Construction. INA Newsletter 14, no. 3/4: 8-10, 15.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. The Molasses Reef and Highborn Cay Wrecks: Two Early Sixteenth-Century Hulls. in Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor James P. Delgado. Ann Arbor: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Molasses Reef Laboratory Update. INA Newsletter 15, no. 1: 5.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Few Remaining Clues… In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor J. Barto Arnold III. 100-103. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Highborn Cay Wreck: The 1986 Field Season. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 18, no. 3: 244-53.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Molasses Reef Wreck Hull Analysis: Final Report. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 18, no. 3: 229-45.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. A Suction Pump from an Early Sixteenth-Century Shipwreck. Technology and Culture 3, no. 3: 584-95.


Simmons III, Joe J. 1981. Nautical Hygiene. In Underwater Archaeology: The Challenge Before Us. Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editor Gordon P. Watts Jr. 1981: San Marino, CA.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Cayo Nuevo, Mexico. INA Newsletter 10, no. 4: 7.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. “The Development of External Sanitary Facilities Aboard Ships of the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries.” Texas A&M University.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. 15th- and 16th-Century Artillery Colletions in Western Europe: Preliminary Results from a Recent Examination. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editors John W. Foster, and Sheli O. Smith. 130-133. Sacramento.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Artillery in Focus: 15th- and 16th-Century Ordnance the Object of In-Depth Study. INA Newsletter 12, no. 4: 9.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. New World Contact and Nautical Hygiene. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editor Calvin R. Cummings. 139-41. San Marino, CA: Fathom Eight.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Best-Laid Plans Often Need Ingenious Field Modification. INA Newsletter 14, no. 3/4: 12-13.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Molases Reef Wreck Ordnance: New Ideas on the Manufacture of Wrought-Iron Artillery from the Great Age of Exploration and Discovery. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor James P. Delgado.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Review of Postmedieval Boat and Ship Archaeology, edited by C.O. Cederlund. Historical Archaeology 22, no. 2: 112-13.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Wrought-Iron Ordnance: Revealing Discoveries from the New World. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 17, no. 1: 25-34.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Wrought-Iron Ordnance: Revealing Discoveries from the New World. In Guns from the Sea: Ship’s Armaments in the Age of Discovery, Current Research and New Discoveries in Early Artillery. 25-34. London: The Royal Armouries, HM Tower.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. The Historical Geography of the Ships of Exploration and Discovery: Second- and Third-Order Voyages of Exploration From Outposts in the Caribbean. In Underwater Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor J. Barto Arnold III. 92-97. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society of Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1989. Lidded-Breach Wrought-Iron Swivel Gun at Southsea Castle, Portsmouth, England. Journal of the Ordnance Society 1: 63-67.

ЧЧЧ. 1990. Ancestry of the Ship’s Head: Solving Problems of Human Waste disposal at Sea, A.D. 1400-1900. In Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. Editor Toni L. Carrell. 128-32. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.

ЧЧЧ. 1991. Replication of Early 16th-Century Shot-Mould Tongs. Journal of the Ordnance Society 3: 5-10.

ЧЧЧ. 1991. Those Vulgar Tubes: External Sanitary Accommodations Aboard European Ships of the Fifteenth Through Seventeenth Centuries. College Station, TX: Nautical Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University.

ЧЧЧ. 1992. Early Modern Wrought-Iron Artillery: Macroanalyses of Instruments of Enforcement. Materials Characterization 29: 129-38.

ЧЧЧ. 1992. Replicating Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Ordnance. Historical Archaeology: Advances in Underwater Archaeology 26, no. 4: 14-20.

______. 1997. Those Vulgar Tubes: External Sanitary Accommodations Aboard European Ships of the Fifteenth Through Seventeenth Centuries. 2nd ed. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press.

Smith, KC. 1984. It Was a Very Good Year. INA Newsletter 11, no. 4: 2-3.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. In Search of Shipwrecks. INA Newsletter 12, no. 2: 1, 7.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. INA Explores the Age of Discovery: In Search of Ships that Altered the Globe. INA Newsletter 13, no. 1: 2-3.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Nautical Archaeology Theses: A Wealth of Data from Students. INA Newsletter 12, no. 3: 8-11.

ЧЧЧ. 1987. ’86 in Review, Research by Staff and Students Spans 31 Centuries of Maritime Enterprise. INA Newsletter 13, no. 4: 2-6.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Artifacts Are Missing Elements of the Wreck. INA Newsletter 14, no. 3/4: 15.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Bahamian Expedition Yelds New Evidence of Early Ship. INA Newsletter 14, no. 3: 2-3.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. Bahamian Expedition Yelds New Evidence of Early Ship. Aquaticus, Journal of the Shedd Aquarium 20, no. 2: 16-17.

Smith, Roger C. 1983. The Caravel: Nautical Archaeology Looks at Ships of Exploration. Underwater Archaeology: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Calvin R. Cummings. San Marino, CA: Fathom Eight.

ЧЧЧ. 1983. The Columbus Caravels Project. INA Newsletter 10, no. 4: 5-6.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Caravels Test Site Yields Ballast, Artifacts and Clues. INA Newsletter 11, no. 4: 4-5.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Early 16th-Century Site Located. INA Newsletter 11, no. 4: 9.

ЧЧЧ. 1984. Fathoming Columbus’s Caravels. Americas 36, no. 5: 18-23.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. The Search for the Caravels of Columbus. Oceanus 28, no. 1: 74-77.

ЧЧЧ. 1985. Vanguard of Empire: The Mariners of Exploration and Discovery. Terrae Incognitae 17: 15-27.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. INA and the Quincentennial. INA Newsletter 13, no. 1: 4-5.

ЧЧЧ. 1986. Remote Sensing Technology is Integral to Archaeology. INA Newsletter 12, no. 2: 6.

ЧЧЧ. 1988. The Voyages of Columbus: The Search for his Ships. Ships and Shipwrecks of the Americas: A History Based on Underwater Archaeology. Editor George F. Bass. London: Thames and Hudson.

Smith, Roger C., and Donald H. Keith. 1986. Ships of Discovery. Archaeology 39, no. 2: 30-35.

Smith, Roger C., Donald H. Keith, and Denise C. Lakey. 1985. The Highborn Cay Wreck: Further Exploration of a 16th-Century Bahaman Shipwreck. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 14, no. 1: 63-72.

Smith, Roger C., Mark D. Myers, Denise C. Lakey, Donald H. Keith, Bruce F. Thompson, and KC Smith. 1985. The Potential Contributions of Nautical Archaeology to Understanding Voyages of Exploration and Discovery in the New World. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Editor Paul F. Johnston. 109-19. Pleasant Hill, CA: Society for Historical Archaeology.


Thompson, Bruce F. 1988. Lost Clues Recovered by Casting Concretions. INA Newsletter 14, no. 3/4: 14.

— 1988. The Role of Casting in Artifact Identification. Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference . Editor James P. Delgado. Pleasant Hill, Ca.: Society for Historical Archaeology.


Woodward, Robyn P. 1982. St. Anne’s Bay Survey. INA Newsletter 9, no. 1: 5-7.